Jenny Orsini
"Ten things you definitely didn't know about me!"
1. I've taken guitar, piano and clarinet lessons but can't play a single instrument to save my life.
2. I had a school girl crush on the same boy from 1979 to 1988 (and NO!... he never found out!)
3. I hate food crumbs and obsessively wipe them off any surface I'm near.
4. I'm insanely jealous of women who can wear high heels for long periods of time.
5. I've seen George Michael in concert more times than I care to admit.
6. I was a state champion baton twirler.
7. I won my first singing competition at the age of six.
8. I was once chased by a cow on a farm in Ireland.
9. I'm an only child
10. I hate cilantro and love anything with peanut butter.
10. I hate cilantro and love anything with peanut butter.